Rasi Phalalu Names in Telugu to English

Rasi Phalalu Names in Telugu to English

Telugu English
మేష రాశి ARIES
వృషభ రాశి TAURUS
మిథున రాశి GEMINI
కర్కాటక రాశి CANCER
సింహ రాశి LEO
కన్యా రాశి VIRGO
తులా రాశి LIBRA
వృశ్చిక రాశి SCORPIO
ధనస్సు రాశి SAGITTARIUS
మకర రాశి CAPRICORN
కుంభ రాశి AQUARIUS
మీనా రాశి PISCES
Rasi Phalalu Names in Telugu to English | Rasi Phalalu Names in Telugu | Rasi Phalalu Names in English


Astrology, an ancient study of celestial bodies’ influence on human affairs, is deeply rooted in many cultures. In Telugu-speaking regions, the Rasi Phalalu, or zodiac signs, are an essential part of this tradition. Understanding these signs, especially when translated from Telugu to English, can provide valuable insights into their meanings and significance. This guide aims to simplify the names of these signs and explain their cultural and astrological importance.

Overview of Telugu Zodiac Signs

In Vedic astrology, Rasi Phalalu are not merely symbols but represent various facets of life and personality. Each sign is associated with specific traits and influences that are believed to shape individuals’ lives. Knowing the Telugu names of these signs and their English counterparts helps bridge cultural gaps and enhances global understanding of astrology.

List of Rasi Phalalu Names in Telugu

Here’s a comprehensive list of the Telugu names of the zodiac signs and their English equivalents:


    • Mesha (Aries)

    • Vrushabha (Taurus)

    • Mithuna (Gemini)

    • Karka (Cancer)

    • Simha (Leo)

    • Kanya (Virgo)

    • Tula (Libra)

    • Vrushchika (Scorpio)

    • Dhanu (Sagittarius)

    • Makara (Capricorn)

    • Kumbha (Aquarius)

    • Meena (Pisces)

Detailed Translation of Each Sign

Let’s delve deeper into each zodiac sign:


    • Mesha (Aries): Represented by the ram, Mesha signifies boldness and leadership. In English, this sign is known as Aries.

    • Vrushabha (Taurus): Symbolized by the bull, Vrushabha stands for determination and stability. Its English counterpart is Taurus.

    • Mithuna (Gemini): Depicted by the twins, Mithuna represents duality and adaptability, translated as Gemini in English.

    • Karka (Cancer): The crab symbolizes Karka, which denotes emotional depth and nurturing. In English, this is Cancer.

    • Simha (Leo): Known for its lion symbol, Simha embodies courage and royalty. The English name is Leo.

    • Kanya (Virgo): Kanya, symbolized by the virgin, signifies meticulousness and practicality. The English equivalent is Virgo.

    • Tula (Libra): Represented by the scales, Tula stands for balance and justice. It is Libra in English.

    • Vrushchika (Scorpio): The scorpion represents Vrushchika, symbolizing intensity and transformation. Its English name is Scorpio.

    • Dhanu (Sagittarius): Dhanu is depicted by the archer, reflecting exploration and philosophy. In English, it’s Sagittarius.

    • Makara (Capricorn): Symbolized by the sea-goat, Makara denotes ambition and discipline. Its English counterpart is Capricorn.

    • Kumbha (Aquarius): The water-bearer represents Kumbha, symbolizing innovation and humanitarianism. In English, it is Aquarius.

    • Meena (Pisces): Represented by the fish, Meena signifies empathy and intuition. Its English name is Pisces.

Cultural Significance of Each Sign

Each Rasi Phalalu holds unique significance in Vedic astrology. These signs influence not only personality traits but also career paths and relationships. For instance, individuals with the Simha (Leo) sign are often seen as natural leaders, while those with Meena (Pisces) may be more intuitive and empathetic.

Comparing Telugu and Western Zodiac Signs

While Telugu and Western zodiac systems share some similarities, they also have distinct differences. For example, the Western zodiac includes the concept of cusp signs and elements (fire, earth, air, water), while Vedic astrology emphasizes the lunar cycle and Nakshatras (constellations). Understanding these differences helps in interpreting astrological readings accurately.

How to Use This Information

Knowing the Telugu names of Rasi Phalalu and their English translations can be beneficial for those interested in astrology. It helps in understanding one’s astrological profile better and provides insights into how different signs influence various aspects of life. For beginners, this knowledge can serve as a foundation for deeper exploration into Vedic astrology.


Understanding the Rasi Phalalu names in Telugu and their English equivalents enhances our grasp of Vedic astrology. This knowledge bridges cultural and linguistic gaps, allowing for a richer appreciation of astrological traditions. Whether you’re a seasoned astrologer or a curious learner, knowing these signs’ translations and their significance can provide valuable insights into both personal and universal aspects of astrology.



    1. What are Rasi Phalalu? Rasi Phalalu are the Telugu names for the zodiac signs used in Vedic astrology, representing various personality traits and influences.

    1. How are Telugu zodiac signs used in astrology? They are used to interpret individuals’ traits, behaviors, and destinies based on their birth charts.

    1. Why is the translation of these signs important? Translating these signs helps in understanding and comparing astrological concepts across different cultures.

    1. How can I find my Rasi Phalalu? You can find your Rasi Phalalu by using your birth date and time to create a Vedic astrological chart.

    1. Are there any differences between Telugu and Western zodiac signs? Yes, there are differences in their symbols, influences, and the way they are interpreted, reflecting variations in astrological traditions.

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